Aug 17 pm - Meijer Gardens and Sculpture - Big Things
Perhaps the most impressive sculpture in the Gardens is a Bronze horse. This horse completes a project begun by Leonardo da Vinci back in 1482 when the Duke of Milan commissioned it. In 1977 a retired pilot took up the project and after his death others brought it to completion in 2001. There were two horses made from the mold. One is in Milan, Italy. The other in Grand Rapids here. The horse is 24' high. In the first image, M is holding up the horse's hoof. The horse statue is near the ones of Fred and Lena (as in the previous post on this blog).
The second image is called the neuron. It was installed in the park in 2011. It stands 41 feet high and is made of stainless steel.The sculptor is Roxy Paine. Mr. Paine is a New Yorker who has work featured in museums and other institutions in Europe, the US, Canada and Israel. The third image is of a man made waterfall seen through a man made cliff. There a numerous waterfalls in the 130 + acres. One is set up to be the backdrop for weddings, others feed into gardens. The Meijer garden/sculpture garden usually shows up in the 50 best attractions in the world. It is almost certainly the finest such place in the Western Hemisphere (Holland has one, the Kroller-Muller Museum and Sculpture Park that is generally considered to be better but the Meijer is still expanding and will be adding a Japanese garden in 2015 and may eventually outrank the Kroller).
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